Our awards
We are a competent and solution-orientated project service provider for our clients.
This requires a consistently high focus on quality. Constantly setting new standards and offering the highest degree of quality and safety are a matter of course for us. A multitude of certificates are evidence of the success of this way of thinking. We are always striving to set new standards.

Government distinction
According to section 68 of the Austrian industrial code, the Austrian national coat of arms is bestowed by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth on companies who through their extraordinary achievements for the Austrian economy have taken a leading role in their field of business and are well respected by their peers. Prangl Gesellschaft m.b.H. has had this distinction since 1982.

Green Building
Around 40% of final energy consumption in Europe is attributable to buildings. In the Commission’s green paper on energy efficiency, the buildings sector is considered a significant area. The “Green Building” programme aims to provide information to increase awareness throughout the EU of available cost-effective measures to improve energy efficiency in offices and commercial buildings. Acceptance on the “Green Building” programme demonstrates a company’s leading environmental role.

Austria´s Leading Companies
The financial daily Das Wirtschaftsblatt, the credit protection association KSV1870 and PwC Austria have celebrated the top national companies since 1997, listing “Austria’s Leading Companies” in three categories. Prangl has been involved as on of the “Big Players” (turnover of more than €50 million) from the start. Regular inclusion in this ranking confirms the path that Prangl has taken with sustainable service quality.

ISO 9001
EN ISO 9001 is a internationally applicable standard, which defines criteria for the implementation of quality management systems – with the objective of ensuring the consistent improvement of operational performance and associated continuous gains in customer satisfaction. Prangl has committed to abide by the requirements of this standard and in this context to ensure that no barriers are set to our aim of being a customer-focused company.

ISO 14001
EN ISO 14001 defines internationally applicable criteria for the implementation of environmental management systems. Prangl records and analyses a wide variety of environmental effects for potential improvements, and this information flows into how we manage internal processes. Furthermore, an environmental management system ensures that everyone complies with the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to the company.

ISO 45001
Prangl has received certification according to ISO 45001 as one of the first companies in the industry. This standard describes the requirements for a modern, operational occupational health and safety management system. Prangl is convinced that this new standard and the “PDCA” model (Plan – Do – Check – Act) that it contains will give the safety culture and active accident prevention appropriate significance.

Only companies that can prove they have taken into account certain requirements with regard to safety, environmental protection and people’s health in the way they work are permitted to bear the SCCP (Safety Certificate Contractors for Petrochemicals) certificate. The safety of persons and the environment takes absolute precedence in the provision of any technical service. All Prangl depots and services are certified according to SCCP.

Great Start!
Prangl is a family business that has a special interest in training apprentices. This has already been confirmed by the “Great Place To Work” research network and the “Great Start!” award. We want to continue to offer young people sound and committed apprenticeships and to integrated them well into everyday working life. Some of our previous apprentices now hold management positions with us.